Sunday, September 13, 2009

This is what I signed up for

Certain someone definitely understand this. Cause I elaborate it during our chit chat session last time. Speaking of which, I was madly and sorely missed her right now. Ok..nuff with love talk.

During the busy season, I manage to slip few things and ensure that it getting done. I reformat my PC for a start after Win32/Sality.en attack my PC. One hell of annoying virus. Hence the buying of Kapersky Anti Virus. Done. PC well protected. Case closed.

Managed to shopping along the busy bee line. Managed to buy Up Series, up to 49 UP. Yes, I bought it. Why not download it? First, it's an old series (since 1960s) which made the early series very very hard to find and downloadable. Second, too much hassle to find it in Malaysia. Owh..i bought it online btw. Managed to watch till 21 UP and yet to finish the whole series.


Special announcement to Said & Narulle, Osen for full season (episode 6 and above) available in hardsubbed. Subbed by [Nya] fansub. Go download it here: Osen Hardsubbed [Nya]. Untuk kesejahteraan proses memuatturun video berkenaan, adalah disarankan mengambil turun video beresolusi 640X360. Almaklumlah, internet pun suka main chipsmore lately ni. :)


saidzu said...

buat pengetahuan en dueng, saya sudah mendownload cerita osen itu. sudah selesai menonton pun. :P

Kucing Kertas said...

eit? heran.

Kucing Kertas said...

why yg sy komen earlier x kuar?

ulang tayang::

"winkwink & smile. =P
pssst..miesh u too."

done! haha..

dueng said...

said: hahahhaa. ok2, telah mendapatkan dari encik narulle. :)

my eme: miesh you. :)