Sunday, April 15, 2007

Life Affair

It had been 1 weeks after PIPE XI. i truly feel lonely. when i get back home, suddenly all loneliness in this world come to me. for some reason, my room getting smaller and smaller. it's hard to breath, my eyes teary.

i truly feel i not really get mixed with people at PIPE XI but for some reasons, i feel so attached to them. it's weird to feel like this especially when you putting less effort in knowing people. maybe my roommate departing to PIPE make me feel lonely or i just missing my leisure time during PIPE, that might be one of thousand factors i could think of.

so, now i need to back to works. currently a bit hard to catching up with work. everything seems in big blunt. i found out that new people coming in, whether they are auditors or new staffs, i not feel welcoming them to my workplace. i feel a bit disconnected and not really bother or care bout new people. yurp, some of them quite attractive.

currently, i'm downloading new dorama which seeing my HD need some housekeeping. i delete all my anime (which i won't watch for second time) and clear up some videos. i will do some review on the dorama after i finish watching it.

btw, i got few promises i left behind. here the list:

1) post pictures bout my new room setup.

owh..only one. hahaha. should i have anything else i promise to tell you people, please let me know.

quick update:

i so want to watch mr bean's holiday but i got no company. poor me. :( .

i already watch 300 and jangan pandang belakang. i so want to watch mukhsin but i have no chance to do that.

i also watch stranger than fiction, a must watch movie. a fusion of fantasy and sourness of reality. life can be a bitch!! hahaha.

as my montage work affecting my life, i currently addicted to surf rider (pulp fiction's OST), mirsolou (also pulp fiction's OST) and laluna - selepas kau pergi. and i always listen to old songs. i'm not so into new songs. so just let you know. hahaha.

okies, chiow~!

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