Thursday, April 16, 2009

when men say the darndest thing

Conversation #1
A: Eh..member aku nak kahwin kat Putrajaya next month.
B: Owh, ko nak gi halang ke?
A: Ceh, takde la.
B: Aku tau, nanti ko mesti pergi cakap, "JANGAN~~!!!". Orang mesti fikir ko nak halang perempuan tu tapi ko mesti cakap "Lelaki tu aku punya~!"
C&D: Hahahahhaha.
A: Siot je!

Conversation #2
B: Ko buat la teambuilding kat Mandarin Oriental. Boleh buat "shopping" as teambuilding activities. Budget la RM 10K sorang ke.
C: Ok jugak tu. Aku buat main teka perfume. Nak menang kena ajak korang lah.
D: Macam kompeni bagi je. Ceh!

I have entertaining friends.


joegrimjow said...

frens make us smile

~lalala~ said...

aku ske conversation 1.. btol2 wat aku senyum besar pg2 neh.. hehe

conversation 2.. i guess its ur company thingy, so i dun haf a clue

dueng said...

joe: yeah. friends always entertaining. lucky me to get these bunch of people who know how to jokes and laugh. hahaha.

intan: LOL. the second conversation more on how ridiculous the idea could get. no company could afford RM 10K per staff just for so called "shopping" teambuilding. LOL.

FARYN said...

ok...mmg aku tergelak..hahahaha


Hafidz Gafa said...

hahaha...aku macam kenal je orang2 dalam conversation 2 tu...hahahah...gelak lagik...

dueng said...

vin: gelak je. :P

kapten: hehe. mestilh ko kenal. the bunch who could make your day by their comments. :P

- k.arifin - said...

sama la, aku terlebih kenal sangat. hahaha.

dueng said...

huhu.tau takpe. :P