Sunday, May 24, 2009

Angels & Demons

Frankly, go to hell this movie. Fucking dissapointed sial aku tengok cerita ni. For those who read the book, this movie totally a let down. I couldn't help the fact that they make The Da Vinci Code adaptation so well (despite few scene and character change) which mimicking the book quite well though not 100%.

Spoiler alert!

Why I am mad with Angels & Demons movie:

1) No Maximillan Kohler. Nevermind since his character which contribute to advancement of the plot replace by head of Swiss Guard. Though the Kohler character makes the suspicion over his character that intend to destroy the church eliminate possibilities of audience to suspect the carmerlengo as the culprit.

2) No relation between the dead pope with his carmerlengo. This is the most raging point which make me cursing all around. The deletion of this part sees the relation of carmerlengo and the pope as maternal parent-children which brought up bittersweet ending make the carmerlengo motive totally disconnected and lame. In The Da Vinci Code, Robert Langdon choose not to reveal the heir of Jesus Christ though he knows who she is which leads to bittersweet ending as it supposed to be the character of the story.

3) No big, moving speech in front of TV upon breach of conclave. This is another turning point in the movie which create more red herring for the carmerlengo character which totally make audience suprised with the ending revelation. Not to mention, the carmerlengo eventually being elected by College of Cardinal as pope during his heroic act saving the church.

4) No Illuminati Diamond which comprise of 4 Illuminati elements in one print. This is totally absurd! I totally dissapointed cause i really want to see the print make into live stamp. The art value just gone for 30%.

5) The Selector supposed to be selected as the pope instead of one preferti saved by Langdon. More drama as all preferti killed and no one could be the pope except forcing the Selector to resign his post and be selected for the post. another 3 points deduction for dramatic value!

Gah...i'm pissed really. Go to hell, Angels & Demons.


- k.arifin - said...

aku dah tengok kat tgv smlm. tp aku tak pernah baca novel ni. so enjoy the show je la. tp after wayang tu aku tanye review dr member aku. the same thing yg ko jot down. derang pun agak disappointed. later, this morning aku bukak wiki bout this movie n terbaca part2 yang dah di twist tu.

filzahalfway said...

reason yg ke2 tu cukup utk mmbuatkan saye mencarut2 tahap dewa

Obefiend Weiland said...

read the book 5 years or so ago. dah ingat2 lupa .but no illuminati diamond? no kohler.. LAME SHIT

why do they like changing the story? Twilight yang bullshit pun tak divert so much from the book


Unknown said...

aku setuju dgn komen ko.
too much deviation, and tak kuat langsung point2 bila camerlengo explained why he plotted the plan.

no illuminati diamond. freaking fark!

dueng said...

mekot: ko patut baca buku dia. memang buku dia lagi best. hehehhee. btw, as long as ko enjoy, doesn't matter kot. :)

filzah: welcome! yes, tau takpe. dah memaki hamun dah keluar wayang aritu.

effi: i dunno why but it seems the director saying that since the book less famous than the da vinci code hence they could toying around with the storyline unlike how little they toying around with the da vinci code. yurp, indeed lame shit.

bet: yurp again, have to say sesia aku menunggu for so long for the movie. stupid!

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