Sunday, May 03, 2009

The running gag

Off we gone to watching firefly (kelip-kelip@kunang-kunang) at Yak Yah River, near Ibok. The tourist guide had been talking lots with regards of firefly that we watched which went to become a running gag that nite:

Tourist Guide (TG): Firefly only could live for 10 days. They have enzime bla bla bla.......
A: Hrmm....i know what kind of profession most profitable for firefly?
B: What?
A: Funeral services.
B, C & D: Hahahahahahaha.
After that, C then intervene.
C: But again, it must tiring to cry over death since lots of them going to die quickly.
A: Hahaha. yeah, must be damn tiring if you have every seconds got another firefly dead.

Who said death ain't funny?

Details of the activity could be read here: Of Kelip-kelip & Penyu Bertelur.

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