Saturday, October 17, 2009

Don't Die

I'm one of blunt persona you would meet. By blunt means that sometimes I can be very straightforward bout things. SOMETIMES...not every time. Few days ago, a friend of mine want to drive back to KL and all i could say,

"Don't die eh."

He just laugh. My other friend just stunt. He mention that I should never said things like that. Cause it will have jinx.

"But we shouldn't believe in jinx."

After that, he said that words that I utter is doa. Then I reply....

"He definitely NOT die la then. I should said it another 39 times. ahahaha."

He quite speechless to explain to me except that he mentioned that our culture (by OUR, he refering to Malay directly and Asian generally) didn't approve such thing. Means that bad things like DIE and ACCIDENT should never be uttered by any person to any traveling people. It's should be part of greeting/farewell speech so to speak.

As this reminds me of Okuribito, a Japanese movie that I watched last time portraying death as taboo subject matter in Japanese community. Death in Japanese culture normally being handled by Burakumin; also called the Untouchable. It seems that Asian particularly have reservation towards taboo things such as death and sex which make it inappropriate to be spoken in public.

Clearly, I just don't get it. I just don't get it how could you said something like "Don't die" could be offensive. It's not like I'm calling name or cursing around, just mere "die" strung together in farewell speech. What's wrong with that? Did death taboo?

Yet, everybody dies. Funny eh?


Dils said...

Because it is such a certainty yang scary itu.

Anonymous said...

mati tak membe ko tu? kohkoh.. (kalau mati mst ko cuak kan. HAHAHAHAHA)

dueng said...

dils: hehehe. everybody dies, why worries? unless i said, don't langgar tiang and terjun gaung...then you should be very worried cause it's more specific and more likely. hahahaha.

adek: dia hidup. kalau dia mati, aku cuak dan bangga la sebab aku berjaya predict dia mati. hahaha. :P

joegrimjow said...

fan liverpool!!