Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Four Meme

Tagged by phyp (mengisi masa lapang di malam2 hari cuti sangap takder apa nak buat tapi tak dapat tidur).

Four Jobs I've had:
1. Trainee - SME Bank (dulu2 dikenali sebagai BPIMB)
2. Admin Forum - K5 Admin for one semester. one hell of semester during my final semester.
3. Babysitter cum unpaid lecturer - babysitting my nieces (5 of them) and tutoring them for mathematics, science and english.
4. Marketing - do marketing with COBRA group. what an experience, really valued it.

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over:
1. White Chick (damn funny)
2. Kingdom of Heaven (lots of beautifully forge sentence)
3. Miss Congeniality (i love chic flick, so what?)
4. Mean Girl (another chic flick. they help me calm down.)

Four Places I have Lived:
1. Kuantan
3. Tronoh, forsaken land.
4. KL.

Four TV Shows I Would Love to Watch:
1. House MD (never miss an episode)
2. Survivor ( my first tv shows)
3. GTO - Japanese drama (thousand times rerun..or millions?)
4. Who Wants to be A Millionare (to see if i'm brilliant enough)

Four Places I have been on Vacation:
1. Air Terjun Panching, Kuantan
2. Pantai Balok, Kuantan
3. Melaka (Taman Mini Malaysia, the whole mallaca town just in one day..walking)
4. Rantau Panjang, Kelantan (shopping paradise)

Four Websites I Visit Daily:
1. company intranet
2. my blog
3. (mengisi masa lapang dimasa tiada kerja)
4. ("shopping" list Jdorama untuk di download)

Four of My Favorite Foods:
1. Sambal Ikan Bilis (i can be a bitch in evaluating this)
2. Inari - sushi
3. Nasi Goreng of any kind (also can be a bitch in evaluating this)
4. Blueberry Cheese Cake of secret recipe..yummy.

Four Places I would Rather Be:
1. In front of my pc.
2. by window side, watching rain pouring down.
3. seaside, layan jiwang sorang2.
4. in bed.

Four Albums I Cannot Live Without:
1. Unplugged by The Coors
2. Hybrid Theory By LP
3. Warning By Green Day
4. Sebuah Kisah Klasik By Sheila On 7

I have more to say but i think i already said (lot) in the past. Someday, this list might change. Life is about changes, ain't it?

Who i want to tag? none in particular. whoever feel like sharing their interest, please don't hesitate to do so.

p/s: heavy cloud inside my head, runny nose. ah..tak suka nya selsema.


Pip said...

i like lp's hybrid theory too.. cool stuff..

Anonymous said...

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over:
1. White Chick (damn funny) <-- bru tgk last wik kat tv. adik2 aku gelak gegar 1 umah.

Four Places I have been on Vacation:
1. Air Terjun Panching , Kuantan <-- sgt suke air terjun inii!!!!!xjmpe air terjun yg lgi besh stakat ni.

Four of My Favorite Foods:
4. Blueberry Cheese Cake of secret recipe..yummy. <-- sgt best ok.kne letak no.1 hahhah~

dueng said...

phyp: LP totally cool. that's my first favorite rock band. i mean, i really listen to all their songs.

ain: white chick definately a watchable movie. air terjun pancing? air terjun teladas in maran also not that bad.

blueberry cheese cake would be my favorite cake. maybe i don't have much interest in tiramisu and choc cake. but, blueberry cheese cake definately can't beat my interest in sambal ikan bilis.

just a kampung boy. :)

Anonymous said...

lol mangi how come u compare a dessert to sambal!! def cant!!!

haha everyone knows sambal would win =/

i agree with Warning by Greenday! woot! bext album from them for me ;)

slalu dah dgr pasal air terjun kat kuantan tuh from ain... one day, i'll be ther! haha