Sunday, January 18, 2009

Just because you're a woman

....don't you think i can't smack you!

Today, i'm pissed off. I mean, mad, angry. For some collaborative business trip that i will be heading in few days from now, this woman really know to push my button. Everytime she opens her mouth, she just adding more fuel to my anger. Thing started when i need to discuss with her on the details of the collaborative business trip. The trip for testing new system at vendor site before we could implement it in the office. For the whole project, i just a coordinator. She is the end user who will use the system but she doesn't give a dime about the trip.

Ok, here the situation. I "inherit" the project as part of my new job scope at this new office. Well, nothing i could do to avoid it so i just devour and enjoy it. She on the other hands try her best not to give the cooperation that i need. I mean, come on! I also have tons of work on my plate that i need to take care of but she was soooo pissed me off with her careless attitude. For a starter, she doesn't even read the functional design documents. Yes, you're the new kids of the block but show some effort, please. To think that i'm running around to coordinate the whole thing even for her traveling itirenary and push her to get the traveling documents approved by her managers, i'm sure my patience just at best when i could handle all that. even up to that point, she don't even have any effort to clear things up with her manager on traveling issue that we have.

she almost get the best of me when she again playing her careless card when i urge her to get things sorted before tomorrow. i wonder how i could still smile when i talk to her at that moment, i admire my acting. to be the end user and ignore the testing for the system, she don't know what going to get her way soon.

from what i heard from small investigation with her staff (he will follow us too for the business trip), she just kinda rude and authoritive to her subordinate. With that kind of attitude, she either one day will be hate or get raped by one of her subordinate!

I used to have 16 problematic male subordinates under my care and i could tell you it's so hard to work with them since all of them have "colourful" history. But to be able to relate to them (3 of them are at my dad age) and have a workable relationship, i'm proud of myself. You have to give respect to gain respect. To play it by their rules sometimes is the way to win them. You have to be harsh when needed but just chill out when they're behaving ok. They're ain't kids so treat them with respect even they are the one who sort your letters, photocopy your documents, deliver your parcels and sweep your floor.

I just don't get it why most executives (new and current) so full of themselves! they think they're smart but they know very little about the world. and not to mention (even I hate to make sexist remarks but it's my most encounter experience) that women are so full of themselves in this case. maybe most of them are spoilt brat but don't you parent teach you to respect others, you stupid cunt?

when was your last time you smile to janitors cleaning your office? or the tea lady who clean your office pantry? or the one who serve you food at the cafeteria?

i rest my case. you know yourself better.


Anonymous said...

my ans is just during today's lunch !

it's pretty cool to get to know these people. becoz; they will surely clean ur stuff (even better than anyone else) and look after ur things. he he he >:) as evil as i might sound, i think that's what i got for being nice :)

and WHAT IF i said, guys are even more full of themselves?? haha we are the same guys and girls :)

p.s. i think you are "send" to her to make things right - with her attitude :P (haha bakar2)

dueng said...

raje: hoho. see, you will lose nothing to have good relationship with the right people. a nice gesture always rewarding. i call it "social bribe". nobody could resist a sweet, honest smile. :)

hey, like i said, according to my most encounter experience. yeah, guys sometimes full of themselves too.

yeah right, i will make things right with her after my foot in her mouth. or my fist going to her thick skull. i think if i meet another moron, rude, ugly bitch like her, she gonna get the best of me. :P

Zruchilles said...

hey, just wanna drop by comment... testing it