Sunday, January 25, 2009

google (image) it!

Tagged by Zahiera, so here I'm typing this. Btw, you could read her magnificient thought here. Enjoy:

I am....

Apparently, my nickname "dueng" is a mountain or highland in Thailand. So, here the output when i google image it.absolutely beautiful place!

I really want to go....

Anfield Stadium. For as long as i knew LFC, i really want to go to Anfield Stadium. I want to shed manly tears for the KOP chanting and spirit! Next destination after Anfield would be Japan. You know why!

My fave place....

I'm not hardcore when it comes to read books but i love to browse books, reading synopsis, extracting quick tips, and a stress reliever. Why kinokuniya? because i think they have lots of choice of books compare to the other bookstore and very nice ambience (Kino and Borders at par). used to love Novelhut in Ipoh for its cheap second hand books.

My fave things.....

The rig in the picture almost like the one i have. beautiful and messy! I love my PC and quickly become one thing that i couldn't live without. :)

My fave drink.....

Owh i'm so not to "tolak" any mango drink. I just love mango. but since i love mango juice, i become quite picky on the taste. i most of the time will just drink any mango juice but to rate any mango juice as good, that's gonna be tough.

My fave food.....

This is without saying; the greatest food that i ever enjoy. i'm very picky about my sambal ikan bilis and eventhough i eat most sambal ikan bilis, just like mango juice; it's hard for me to rate any sambal ikan bilis as great. i'm that picky!

my fave colors.....

Black is my favorite color. Cause it's cool, hot, elegant and cute. seriously, black is the new black. nothing could match this color in term of matching up with any other color (except for white).

I live in....

Not in ladang kelapa sawit! My hometown in Kuantan, in Felda Bukit Sagu 01. My dad is one of the later settler in this felda and home is the best place to be! I remember catching up with friends having picnic in the middle of ladang, fishing and menangguk ikan. the good old days!

I was born in.....
Born in Hospital Besar, Kuantan. Couldn't remember much bits of it but the view here at top floor to sungai kuantan is magnificient!

My almamater....

UTP; The best place (eventhough i complaints alot bout this place) to be. the best years of my life. and i'm glad i'm enjoying it!

SEMSAS; my other almamater. Beautiful place, mixed memories and maturing experience all still kept properly in my mind.

my fave series....

Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO); The first drama that i hooked up with, most watched, and most entertaining and moving. This drama inspire me to be a teacher! for good and bad reason! hahahaha.

my hobbies....

Surfing net. kadang2 download, kadang2 just reading wikipedia, kadang2 bloghopping. Depends on mood and necessities.

Watching movies and dramas. the picture is just like the setup of pc that i have here in my room. and yes, i do watch it with my feet (without socks) pointing to the pc while my back resting on my bedside. heaven!

My wish....

In my new year resolution. hoho.


- k.arifin - said...

haha, aku suka gak sambal ikan bilis goreng. but my version ikan bilis tu lg hancur la. and oso, great teacher onizuka pun the 1st jdo yg aku tengok dgn kecumelan nanako time tu. >.<

dueng said...

huhu. sambal ikan bilis definitely the best! yummy! hehe.yurp, nanako, tomoko sgt cumiyl!

s.c.h.u.l.t said...

aha.i love mango juice & also sambal ikan bilis. but not really crazy and i'm not picky~

*bak kata ibu syuhada: 'tolak kayu dengan batu n non-halal things jekkk' :p

ladyrora said...

fuh, dahsyat la dueng dpt cari gambar sekolah.. respek2.

tagging ini patut dinamakan 'pandaikah anda mencari gambar yg paling sesuai dgn anda di google image?'

haha =)

jgn komersilkan nama aku pls~ zahira je.. takde 'e'..

dueng said...

syud: hahaha. like i dunno you. takpe2, syuhada membesar dengan gembira kan? :P

zahira: hehehe. gambor tu courtesy of exstudent website. hahahaha. eh eh, sesuai eh gambar2 berkenaan? i just don't want to mislead anybody (especially the ladang kelapa sawit one) so i choose the best pictures of all. :P

opss...sorry miss zahira, saya kan selalu komersialkan nama orang. :P. as you wish, i will remember the spelling. :)