Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Love FF

Have you ever feel hopeless watching the one you love; love somebody else?

Everything about you and her seems far away. She is the most beautiful flower your heart crave yet too far for you to reach, your leg stuck in the mud while she is a flower at the highest peak. She belongs to one who don't deserve her, don't appreciate her. Your heart aching when you see her in the hand of fools who see her only as possession. Your heart bleed when you see her in front of your eyes wasting her love and heart towards somebody who didn't love her.

No matter how much you try to reach to her, it's just silence filling the hollow. Your love screams only to echo to absorbent dead silent. Even when you scream your lungs out, only silence.

She was, is and will be the most beautiful things ever walk God's Earth. Behind those fog and smoke, her beauty shine blown all fog and smoke away. Her grace is like an angel from the sky. Your heart keep telling you; this is hope! this is miracle!

Even so, the angel wasted her purity. If only your hand could reach her further, if only those ungrateful bastard stop luring her, she will be yours. In your wake or dream, her and her only lingering in your mind, dancing in your dream and send you to 7 heavens where's your eyes meet her eyes and tears rolling down your cheeks.

Love is so beautiful and you wish for one moment for her to reach your love echoes. Even by weak resonant, you wish she could hear it. And she will know that amongst those who worship her beauty, there are one man who worship her heart.

and when those moments come, he and she shall be together. Ford Focus ST!

p/s: i'm so in love with this car!


s.c.h.u.l.t said...


yo yo je baca..thought u're in love with someone..poyoss btullah ini mangiferaaaaaaaa



p/s: I can't believe that a guy owning such a cute car like this will waste her out..lalalala~ (dah ada nak nek! hoho)

dueng said...

hahaha. i got you, did i? :P

but really, i love this car. believe me, lots of people own car but hardly utilize it. if i have this kind of car, i will drive her with all my might. trying her best speed so that her heart will be appreciated.

cars is not just about beauty but about what the manufacturer intend the car to be. look at your speedometer and go to your limit. it's such an insult when you have a car that could go up to 280km/h yet you drive it for less than 120km/h. such a waste of her heart.

hehehehe. nanti akan saya jemput bila dah ada. lambat lagi boleh dapat sebijik sebab mahal sgt. :P

Hafidz Gafa said...

nasib baik la aku telah mengskrol entry ni dahulu. Baru je ala2 interested nak tau gossip pasal apa...hahaha

dueng said...

gah...baru ingatkan ko bakal terkena. hoho.

tiada apa yang nak digosipkan ye. :P

Soraya Zainal said...

/kline mangifera No reason needed!

Sungguh keji... Tipah tertipu!

dueng said...

hehehehe. jgnlah kline saya. saya tak bersalah.

i bet you must be so serious reading it, right? :P
