Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mem-babi-kan orang

I love to curse. I admit it. As a matter of fact, I think I'm most comfortable when I'm chatting away with cursing words flowing down like waterfall.

I found lately that i curse alot while driving. i call it "mem-babi-kan orang" session. The beauty is i'm not only pig-ging people but also their attitude and their ride. I mean, what else you could call someone who drive on right lane but drive at 60km/h? maybe snails or something along the line, but i love more to make them pig. stupid pig. don't you get your license rightfully?

The thing about cursing is it's harsh, it's offensive yet you do no physical damage. it's beautiful fight really although some people take it to another level with high pitch voice and loads of tears. i like cynical tone voice of cursing exchanging between 2 people or more, it's so dramatic. it's like watching 2 unrelated people throwing at each other knives, mortar, grenade, atomic bombs and nuclear missile but doesn't heard each other. yet, when someone get their hands on their opponent, it looks so cowardy.

Everybody love to curse, you subconciously think about how much you hate somebody/something but people who are cursing just happened to have better vocabulary than you. LOLZ. If you're a real sleek cunt, you could make people offended in so many ways with so many words, you're my hero!

Even intellectual people with highbrow dignity/dick-nity cursed. owh..you don't believe me? they do it in hide. they don't want to be seen as a crude person. But sometimes they do it in public, in their writing and speech. But of course, they do it politely and wayyyyyy better vocab than a cheap "babi" can be thrown by one person to another person.

So in term of cursing, whether you're cheap slut or rich princess, you are entitled to curse. because in every human, there are small portion of hate. to something, to somebody, to the world, to the nature or to anything, you hate something or somebody.

owh...i think i already make meself justifyable to curse. hahahaha.

p/s: and yeah, i'm still busy. but i try to update as much as i can.


Ummi said...

Hey, I curse too!Hehehe.
But I usually use the F word then mem-babi-kan org. But sometimes, it feels really good to mem-babi-kan org, especially when you just wanna go home after a long day at work and you got stuck in a train full of people that you can even smell their lunch, it makes you wanna throw up and throw punches........well, you get the picture lah.

For me, it's perfectly alright to curse all you want rather than throwing punches left and right. Though I think it IS OK to step on the foot of the people who stepped on yours. Cheers!

dueng said...

sassy! fierce ye kamu ni ummi.


one way or another, i don't feel guilty about cursing. it's no longer an offensive things to do (for me).

er...the lunch smell...normally it's curry. or petai. have some breath mint please. but it's rather funny when i imagine throwing up while throwing a punch. disastrous! :P

well, sometimes you need some action to vent your anger. well, as long as it's not damaging to me, i'm ok with it. :P

Anonymous said...

haha :)

p.s. no no, i dont curse.

cleo weiland said...

I agree! It kinda annoys me when people raise an eyebrow when I curse. But I only do so when I'm very very VERY angry at something.

Only Effi seems resistant to my cursing. Well, he IS way more vulgar than I am. Case in point: During an argument, I texted him, "Tolong jangan buat perangai macam babi ok." To which he replied "Oink Oink."

Terus tak jadi gaduh hahahaha :P

ladyrora said...

aku ok sikit dr ko la Dueng, haha. Aku guna abbreviation.
PM=pegi mampus, padam muka.
SOAB=ah, u know lah.

mcm2 cara meng-curse..

dueng said...

raje: duh...like i gonna believe you. LOL. :P

cleo: effi is a character which give you different vibe. it's hard to get mad at him when you need to but easily irritated when you shouldn't. well, you love that man with all your heart then it's not gonna be any bit of him you couldn't love. right?

zahira: hahahaa. you're a polite and refine lady, you shouldn't curse. unlike me, i'm a tough and rough character. but hey, everybody got to channel out their anger, right? huhu. cute cursing though. :P

Soraya Zainal said...

I try to curse sometimes now and then... but every time i utter the word, i feel like the word just came out from the wrong mouth. Haha...

i can't be sarcastic either... i can only show that i am angry when, err... i write?

dunno... is this the angelic side of me?