Thursday, February 12, 2009

What I Found About Anal!

*contain high dosage of profanity. watch the pedestrian and drive safely. *

Anal, anus, ass, arse, butt, buttock, booty, hump, bumper...fucking hell, we could give thousand names to most bootylicious thing GOD ever create in both men and women depending on your preferences of course. some like it big, some like it small, some like it smooth, some like it menggerutu with kurap on it. some love to spank it, some just get enough simulation to orgasme just by watching it.

hahahaha. i'm such an ass. i know that.

so, i found anal such an arse lately. 2 things in my life which become so anus, i couldn't define how i hate it.

first: Anal-og (analog)

i'm a failure when it comes to analog. i hate analog watch, analog meter, analog this, analog that. it's digital age, can't they make everything digital? analog annoys me cause first you don't get the accuracy just by watching it. unlike digital things, analog based on mechanical movement instead of automated calculation. that exposed analog more towards external factor such as magnetic influence, mechanical error and human error reading analog (ralat due to pembiasan cahaya from kaca to udara - blergh, you know your science).

yet there are so many analog lover, i just don't get it.

second: Anal-ysis (analysis)

if i heard another person says "analysis", i would kill them. in my field of work, people can be such pompous arse by saying "this is the analysis that i done" yet the thing they do is just crap. and more and more pompous arse overutilizing the words "analysis" to make them look intelligent when they talk and as if people couldn't read/watch/understand their bluff.

i have enough of word "analysis", couldn't anyone stop using it. just fucking say, do some study, my point of view which contains higher dosage of vanity that just "analysis". what a loser. fuck that!


Hafidz Gafa said...

dan anal-ogy (analogy ye, bukan anal dan orgie!) ko mmg kelakar la dueng! huhuhuhu

dueng said...

hahahha. ko keji siot, ada ke patut anal and orgy! hish. hahahaha.

thanks for the compliment. this entry rather useless junk. hoho.