Friday, July 15, 2005

Last Day

Assalamualaikum to all,

At last, abis jgk praktikal a.k.a industrial internship ni. 32 weeks mmg panjang sekali, kalau cantumkan dua sem kat UTP, memang dekat sgt dah 32 weeks. so, kira internship ni dua sem la. walaupun cuti agak kurang (ada tiga minggu je) tp aku still puas hati sebab byk benda yang baik jadi. dapat jumpa orang baru, dapat belajar benda baru dan macam2 lagi. suka, sedih, geram, marah, tensen, gila-gila semua pun ada. dari satu minggu neraka sampai ke satu minggu yang membahagiakan.

Syukurlah internship ni dah abis, kenangan dalam internship ni akan tetap kuingati. Orang yang akan tetap aku ingati sebab byk tolong aku:
  • Kak Rohana - terima kasih sebab tolong tengok2an saya.
  • Kak Suria - tima kasih sebab tolong bagi kerja kat saya
  • Najib - tq sebab selalu bawak masuk meeting
  • Encik Rahim - utk cerita2 best
  • Semua IT Department staff for helping me lots here...
  • Lee Yen - for helping me through the helpdesk job. Also for the great lunch.
  • Carmen Chan - for being such a great companion. Keep your smile ya...
  • Kak Mas - jaga diri kak, semoga dapat sambung degree.

Footnote: Sampai jumpa lagi...

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Being Tolerance

Assalamualaikum to all....

I got this article in the net, enjoy this article. Nice~~~

Tolerance according to Microsoft Word synonym list is open-mindness, patience, easiness or acceptance which bring a very big definition of being tolerance.

Understanding that not every people at the same level of yours and have the patience to wait for them are being tolerance.

Considering other people do offend to some behaviors and feel ease to accept their nature is being tolerance.

Most people always make mistake and misunderstood the different between being honest and not tolerance.

Being honest is telling the things that truly and always be there but less people acknowledge the thing is there with considering other people reaction to the statement that being made and use proper way.

Being not tolerance is telling the truth but with the intention to hurt other and in such rude way.
As we can see, there are just thin white line on the white earth between being honest and not tolerance.

People also misunderstood being hypocrite and being tolerance.

Being hypocrite is to cover up your own dark side and creating a new with attention to get something but never willing to be that betters you.

Being tolerance is to cover up your own dark side with attention to got something but willing to change and will change to that better you.

Now, why I’m telling all of you about all this rubbish? This is because people always misunderstood what being tolerance and being hypocrite. The misconception sometimes crumble the belief in one person to other person cause they think that all people just being hypocrite.

And like we can see, the thin white line appears again between hypocrite and tolerance but the thin white line make the biggest different ever in human concept of believe.

People always said, just being you but will yourself being so good? Imitating the good behavior so that you can fully adapt with it is a good try to change your behavior.

Will you show your dark side even you know the dark side will make people hate you?

Will you proudly said that I could spit over 3 wheat fields without offending other people?

Could you proudly said that you’re addicted to porn and masturbate constantly and sure no people will look at you and wonder in their mind what kind of sex maniac you are? Will you?

So, when people said just be yourself, this kind of people actually mean that you must be a hypocrite and never being tolerance.

My advice: just be yourself with considering others.

Source: somewhere in the net.

Footnote: Am I a tolerance type or hypocrite type?

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Usia Bukan Halangan satu berita yang gempar jgk. ada sorang pakcik umur 54 tahun nak sambut birthday dia kat Tumpat, Kelantan. Well, tak menarik sgt tp yang menarik nyer, dia akan balik ke kelantan dgn berbasikal dari perlis sampai ke kelantan. ha...kan menarik. Pakcik Ramli ni adalah abang kepada Kak Rohana, kerani kat opis aku ni. so, kepada sesape yang nak baca kisah pakcik ni mengembara, ni url dia:

Road To 55 - Usia Bukan Halangan

Pakcik ni memang aku respek la...inspirational sungguh.

Footnote: Usia tidak pernah menghalang kita dari terus bermain dan mengejar pelangi impian. percayalah kepada sikap positif dalam hidup.

Da' Olympus of KLCC

Assalamualaikum to all readers,

hoho...hari ni aku pergi lunch dgn Narulle dan Anas kat Wisma Sentral (betul ke?) dan aku dah rasmikan mende yang aku baru dapat dari delivery semalam, semalam mengandungi kamera U-Mini Digital Olympus yang telah berjaya aku menangi dgn nilai bid RM 900 nett (another great deal in eBay). Kamera tu quite impressive dgn 4.0 megapixel, 2x optical zoom, 4x digital zoom, and come with 128MB card. harga kat pasaran? RM 1499 lebih kurang la. paling best sebab kamera ni kecik jer, cukup2 genggaman tangan aku. cute kan? nak tahu lebih lanjut, lawat lah laman web Olympus yer. Ni ada few pictures yang aku amik time lunch arini. hehehe...enjoy the pics.

dueng & narulle

Dueng & Narulle

dueng & anas

Dueng & Anas

east wall?

East Wall?
kotak mancis?
Kotak Mancis Kinokuniya
narulle & anas
Narulle & Anas
Memang best sgt lunch bersama korang, Narulle dan Anas. So, pasni kita gi lowyat plak sabtu ni. hehehe...
footnote: when we run too fast with technology, we tend to forgot humanity. Sadly, when we realize that technology is just a waste without human interaction, it's always too late.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Menghitung Hari....

Argh...sangap sungguh terasa bila hari-hari kena ngadap report. aku tgk report aku pun dah tak lalu. mmg hilang selera lah tgk report. entah apa kejadahnya penyakit sangap ni, aku memang takleh tolerence langsung....rasa cam nak muntah pun ada jgk bila aku ngadap report aku ni. ah...udah la citer psl report, wat aku rasa bangsat jer.

Apapun, 32 minggu dah nak abis...just tinggal dua minggu jer lagi. cam tak caya jer aku berjaya survive 32 minggu ni. sungguh aku teringat time aku tulis psl my "hell" week, mmg minggu neraka yang tak terhingga seksa nya. Sepanjang internship ni, dah memacam mende jadi. memang life is full of suprise. ada orang couple, ada orang clash, ada orang berubah jadi lebik baik, ada yang berubah jadi lebih jahat, ada yang lebih rapat, ada yang lebih jauh. anyway, that's life....kekadang life can be so meaning-fool, kekadang jadi meaning-full. so, terpulang la pada orang yang hadapi hidup ni nak deal camner.

kekadang dgn rasa bongoknya, kita buat langkah yang bodoh nak mampus tak hingat kekadang dgn bijak bistarinya, kita buat satu keputusan yang memang melambangkan kematangan peribadi kita. apapun keputusan dan langkah yang kita amik, mende2 tu semer dah jadi history. well, you CAN'T turn back time and do it once again....just redha jer la.

next, psl next sem. ha...mesin basuh takleh guna. bongok betul. marah tul aku. apa kes nak halang student guna mesin basuh. nasib baik kafe v5 dah siap tp tatau saper masuk tender situ. hopefully makanan murah dan sedap la. jgn jadi cam Ali-pas...makanan ada lipas dan telur lalat. nasib baik takder bangkai gajah jer....kalau tak stok sangap tak bersih.

oh...sangap nyer aku. sorry sebab aku tgh sangap gile ni, psl tu tulis entry sampah ni. ok, /me off from keyboard. chiow~~~