a conversation starts with this:
M: Bro, apa lagi bandar lain selain Tokyo kat Jepun?
Dueng: Uish. Byk kot. Metropolitan Tokyo tu consist of 3 major city. Tokyo, Saitama dgn bandar apa ntah satu lagi. Tokyo famous dgn Roponggi Hill, Shinjuku, Shibuya.
M: Owh, bandar apa yang famous?
Dueng: Uish...banyak je. ada Saitama, Kyoto, Kobe, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Okinawa, Osaka, Yokohama. Banyak kot bandar kat jepun tu.
Dueng: bandar cam Okinawa tu jauh sikit dari kepulauan utama jepun, kat situ banyak rock band datang. Derang banyak pengaruh amerika sebab kat situ ada military base America.
M: bro, aku tanya nama bandar je. Nak letak nama bandar Travian ni. Adeh la.
Dueng: Loh...carried away doo.
Duh. Did I get carried away? Sabor je la kalau nak dengar explanation aku. I think it's part of my trait that I tend to explain things as much as i could which most people find bothersome. Yeah, letih ye mendengar especially bagi manusia tak sabar. I willing to explain things but if someone rush me, i could just give the answer straight away but most of the time they will come back to me for explanation and i will do some "lasering". hahahaha. sape suruh takmo dengar?
another conversation take place:
L: Ko rasa perempuan Jepun cute ke?
Dueng: The cutest you could find loh.
L: Apa yang cutenye dengan sore cam parrot, sengau plak tu. Dah la muka sama je semua. Gaya pelik2. Dah la gaya budak-budak.
Dueng: your point being?
L: cam takde bangsa lain je yang ko nak suka.
Dueng: I like japanese women sebab japanese know how to potray cuteness. and those kind of cuteness embedded in me.
L: hahahaha, gile lah.
Dueng: So what?
L: Nothing. Just weird. cam dah tak cukup perempuan melayu yang nak diminati.
Dueng: Aku nak kahwin dengan perempuan melayu jugak. Fantasi je dengan gadis jepun. Faham apa maksud fantasi? at least aku menyahut seruan kerajaan "dasar pandang ke timur". hahahaha.
L: ces!
Seriously folks, what so gross about me liking cute women like Japanese women? or me liking married cute women? Does it any rules saying that it's wrong to admire such cute creature? Not i'm doing any harm to anyone. Adeh la manusia manusia ni. just because someone is married and happen to be cute, i can't admire her? gah..stupid.
Owh, last conversation that i had previously:
P: Bro, ko faham ke maksud lagu jepun ni?
Dueng: sikit-sikit boleh la faham. Takde la semua sekali. sikit pun sikit sangat je.
P: Then puas ke ko dengar lagu derang?
Dueng: Why not?
P: yer la, tak faham maksud lirik, kureng sikit feel.
Dueng: hrmm...i don't think so.
P: Hrm...apsal plak gitu?
Dueng: Pernah dengar instrumental tak?
P: Pernah.
Dueng: Camtu jugak kalau ko dengar lagu yang ko tak faham, ko kena dengar apa yang music tu cuba cakap kat ko. Most of the time, it's the right things as you think it is.
P: Hrmmm....tapi leceh la.
Dueng: hehehe. that's why you need to listen with heart. eceh...berfalsampah la plak. hahahhaa.
Dueng: Cuba ko tengok visualization kat window media player, ada nama theme for each visualization kan? kalau ko tengok betul2 visualization tu, memang fit dengan theme and description derang.
P: hehehe. nanti aku try.
Music is universal language. You could understand what come your way just by giving a decent music a try. Yeah, except for some genre which you just couldn't get anything out of it. Also, it give you depth of culture and pattern of pronunciation in certain language. Well, pretty much you could understand some layer of some people culture by understanding their music. =)
Owh yes, it's all about Japan & Japanese. =)
p/s: What i define cute is as per list given: Otsuka Ai, Utada Hikaru, Matsuura Aya, Fujimoto Miki, Nagasawa Masami. Google their image and you'll get some idea what is cuteness. hehehe.