Monday, June 27, 2005

My New 30GB mp3 player

Assalamualaikum to all,
hoho...last weekend i manage to get a very very very good deal with a seller in eBay Malaysia on a Creative Nomad Zen NX 30 GB mp3 player at only RM 470. unbelieveable? believe it. but it's a used stuff (already aged 1 year but 6 month not been used). anyway, as long as i get it within my low budget, i don't mind if it's used items or not. hahahha. this is the picture of the new mp3 player of mine (the picture is from creative website...)

Even it's quite bulky (size of notebook HD plus encoder and other components that i doesn't know its name) but the satisfaction is superb. hehehe...well, after some deleting and re-formatting, this mp3 player will be at basic condition so i can tune it to my preferences. anyway, i'm really lucky to have this deal and even i need to use my paycheck first + borrow narulle's money and "keringkan" my pocket. duh...then i very eager to wait for scholar money to bank in. i have one more item to buy, well, i will story-story about it when i got it.

and i can say, my dream come true...i'm happy to have this mp3 player. hahahhaa...happynyer...

p/s: the reason why i'm really happy cause the first-hand price for this mp3 player is RM 1000 ++. so, when i get it for only half of its price, shouldn't i be very glad?


Anonymous said...

ngaaa..whut a nice bargain..chihiih..supposely buying mp3 player was included within my wishlist..but due to several cause and cons yg aku da x payah la kot..membazir..hahah..since i have lotz of cds..better go for cd player la..even mp3 player much more bazir lak cd byk2 xgune..ngeeee...whut ur next wishlist tu..nak tau gak..ahahaha

dueng said...

erk...tak suprise la kalo citer..tunggu kehadirannya. muahahha. aku bukan per...kalau dah dapat baru aku confident nak citer. kalau dah citer tetiba tak dapat, sure malu nye. hope you'll understand. hehehe...

alahai...bila la scholar nak masuk...

Dils said...

huhuhu.. never could bring myself to spent on a gadget thats worth more than rm200. But.. the Zen that you bought is cool. I think that is the best one to opt for mp3 player.

And I guess sbb tak beli mp3 player.. why ek..Owh.. i identify that i wont hear much songs from mp3 player anyway.

Anonymous said...

nice buy..
nk tanye u pay it on ebay? lately selalu gak survey ebay ngan lelong. unless ada credit card senangla.

dueng said...

on this stuff, i use Cash on delivery. just use cash and meet with the seller. anyway, ada jgk guna cheque, money transfer, wire transfer.

ebay malaysia tak guna paypal (which required credit card). so, guna cara alternatif lain la. just visit dan leh tanya dgn ebayer yang lebih senior at forum. takpun leh browse through all the product and you can see the method of payment there. tanya jer pada derang kalau tak paham or just google any term that you don't understand.

anyway, wire transfer being used for transfering money when dealing with overseas seller but this method not recommended in ebay cause not have tight security. but still in ebay malaysia, that's the only method we have beside paypal.

Anonymous said...

emm..well,cod is good only if the seller is nearby. tp ebay sini susah nk cari brg best. ebay sg has lot of good stuff. paypal actually bleh guna kat m'sia..but if u r a seller u got big problem with paypal. but basically, paypal pun guna credit card.

what's left is po/mo,wire/money transfer. but all this only rely on trust, and the buyers are the one who put up the money 1st. just in case u use this method so i wana know how trustful u r with ebayers:)

dueng said...

ebay malaysia still have lots of cheaters especially from china, italy and romania. so, if you come across bebarang murah from this country, beware la.

basically, i review the feedback from previous buyer and seller before i bid for an item. if one seller have lots of positive feedback, you can say you can trust that seller la. but still, it's all depend on your instinct. if you believe one seller is a good seller even he/she still new, then go on la. also, better ask for the details for the thing that you want to buy and you can evaluate the seller from the communication between you and the seller.

well, it's all about 2 strangers deal with money. it's more than just average trust and more than average instinct. :)