ok, enough with POTC 3's fever. i been spending my fortune to buy few treasures. Well, i just love all of them, adding value to my life. I always want a cozy life, a happy life and i found out that you should start taking small details into account. Starting small doesn't make you end up small. Life is about changes, aite?
So, first treasure is set of furniture consist of wooden bed with mattress, a wooden wardrobe, unfurnished bed side table. All of treasures obtained from IKEA, exotic wooden furniture. As i mentioned before, i just love wood so much thus no way i could choose steel frame. classic innit?
1st Treasure
My wardrobe. Simple yet fulfills my need. Bed side table also there.
2nd Treasure
3rd Treasure
And this is my horny new look with new spectacle. YNWA! (Propaganda Reds)
4th Treasure
At last i managed to get my Reds jersey. I love green and white jersey which they use for CL. I got 2 colors, yellow and white/green from Rantau Panjang. Yurp, yang ori mahal gile ok. YNWA!
(Why suddenly i sense some jealous aura?)
5th Treasure
My new perfume. This time, i'm not choosing CK. I so in love with Burberry Summer perfume. I think summer perfume just suite me well. It's much stronger than CK One Summer that i have but much sweeter. Bargain at Sogo for RM 198 for 100 ml. Envy me please. :P
My newly Converse bagpack. My last bagpack was like 3 years old and gone through blistering sun, cold creepy night weather and watching me going to classes and skip classes in UTP. Good bye old bagpack. I choose brown color, a bright one also. My new year resolution: obtained more brighter colors item.
4th Treasure
(Why suddenly i sense some jealous aura?)
5th Treasure
6th Treasure
8th Treasure
Salt lamp. It's good for your health and it's exotic for home deco. I buy it quite cheap. Towards healthy livestyle (kunun-kunun la), this is amongst my little step. Also, to add some exotic home deco to this boring house. hahaha.
At last, i manage to post this entry after very very long due. None of my intention to show off or something along that line, i just want to share my happiness with all my friends and a little bit of update bout myself (and not to mention my promise to update this blog). Enjoy and should you have any question on where to obtain any of items in here, please let me know k. Me willing to help.
Next items on quest: Redang Island's Vacation. Let's go for some holiday, mate. Happy hols for UTPians.
At last, i manage to post this entry after very very long due. None of my intention to show off or something along that line, i just want to share my happiness with all my friends and a little bit of update bout myself (and not to mention my promise to update this blog). Enjoy and should you have any question on where to obtain any of items in here, please let me know k. Me willing to help.
Next items on quest: Redang Island's Vacation. Let's go for some holiday, mate. Happy hols for UTPians.
yeah.. like..WHAT THE FUCK.
haha wehh nice glerrrr!!
i'm glad you are slowly picking up your life as precious.
really i respect you for it.
you what i think this morning?
i think i should appreciate even the teeny weeny things in life..
and when i read ur blog..there you go.. u made me smile!
and part "(Why suddenly i sense some jealous aura?)" mmg sial gler ah..
HAHAHAHAAAA.. kwajja mangi!!
besar laa jersey.. even i pick "S" i look like a bag wearing it (eceh.. bajet kurus + kecik gler!) nnt, i want to make LIVERPOOL shirt ah..
and yup ko xleh beli.. bwahahha >:)
Cop2.. before I proceed.. I managed to detect "Redang Island" somewhere.. and also the word "vacation" =D hehehe.. let's holiday~ nnti kite pakat ramai2 ye.
Btw, nice ones dueng. I'm hoping that I can do the same thing when I start working later. But there's one more thing that I wanna own.. a house =) [and of course, a wife too.. huhu]
Looking fwd to visiting u guys b4 I go back to kuching. Leh tgk umah korg with the new look :P
aaaahhh. nice huh to have many treasure-able thinghy in life :)
especially the burberry one *ecceh*
eee. envy envy!
mangi.. mangi
lampu aneh tu pun kamu ada. akutak suka. bila off kuar air leleh.. nampak amat porno
raja: hahaha, i manage make you cursed. yeah, i'm bloody good, am i? ngahahaha. ala..the jersey quite big for you, memang macam pakai sarung nangka je.
yurp, appreciate small things and it will make your life much meaningful. btw, if you ever made liverpool shirt, let me know. i want to have one also. hehehe.
mochi: sila2 datang rumah kami. even bersepah sikit (sikit ke? macam tongkang pecah je), tapi masih waras utk diduduki oleh manusia. hahaha. redang? jom2, aku igt nak gi redang, cuma tatau bila. hehehe.hrm..ko mmg patut berumah dan bertangga dah. orang PPM ek? :P
chunna: wow..envy me? that's the beauty of sale. want one? kat sogo byk, i dun mind be your company. :). it's worth the pay i got every month.
effi: hahaha. utk kesihatan, kengkunun nak membuatkan rumah aku itu lebih conducive. erk..ye ke? tak pernah try lagi off. patut aku cuba one day nanti. :P
u know wut.
i stop reading ur treasure when it was at four.
Burbery pulek...... jeles tol.
lemari ikea tuh kenal sgt. yg ade lam iklan hr2 tuh kn. haha.
besnye dh keje btol2. xsaba pulek rase nye. hehe.
ps effi: lucah2 je taw. hampeh.
ps moci: PPM? *cough* ooo~
hohoho..wat a treasure you have there, mate. for sure it would be better than barrel of rums! naahhh!
hey, blanja aa sama gue perfume baru :)
ain: don't be hun. if you still jealous of me, get one. rantau panjang best woo nak shopping.
mia: sesaje tukar angin. :P . yurp, almari dalam iklan tu la. sabor2, habiskan study anda cepat2, nanti leh keje. :)
bet: yurp, mate. maybe cause i couldn't consume rums. haram beb. :P
belanje? ala bet, ko pun gaji sama dgn aku, takkan nak suruh aku banje jgk kot? suruh awek anda la belanja, saya takder awek nak mintak belanja, maka belanja diri sendiri saja. :P
Eh.. Azamil Izzat! Hai Bet~ Long time no see~ :P
baguslaaa lead to a happy life. happy to see u're happy with all of those treasures~
saya juga suka summer perfumes. niceee nak2 lagi malaysia yg summer spjg tahun ni..beli sampai 200ml pon takde masalahkan :P
Jengae: Thanks jengae. if i'm not appreciate my life, who will?
yurp, summer perfume masyuk gitu. saya tak sesuai pakai perfume yang maskulin sebab tak sesuai dgn saya. :)
ok.. sy yg lain2 tu x jealous sgt.
but jealous bab tilam je tuh. huwaaaaa... x sempat lg nk mencari tilam yg betul2 comfy :) tp, takut nnt over comfy tak bangun pergi keje lak..
hahaha. tilam yang comfy membuatkan rest anda lebih best maka anda bangun dgn lebih fresh. prestasi kerja meningkat, mengurangkan stress. begitulah adanya.
carilah sebijik, tak mahal sgt pun. tp, kena disiplinkan diri utk bangun macam biasa. part tu, takes time sikit la. hehehe.
sebut psl comfy matress..aku juga sudah punyai satu..
dan yg satu itulah pernah membuatkan aku 2-3 kali dtg ofis kul 10 hahahaha..
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