I dunno how i get to this website but this growing community definitely a place for everyone. Secrets as you could understand is for you only but if you could share it anonymously, why not? It's good to have a place to write your secret anonymously and let others to help you with that. The problem with blog is when people know who you are, you will not comfortable to spill out the bean.
I really love the idea of this website. Perhaps you could give it a try. It's a growing community so please be bear if the comments are only handful. For that reason, we need to get more people there so more secrets and more comments/helps/critics.
I'm not going to tell much about the website. Go and figure out the website~
About Kubuntu - a linux distribution.
I finished with Kubuntu (thanks to adek a.k.a rearrange kerana meracun aku mencuba Kubuntu) installation in my machine but i have some problem with sound driver and to connect to network. Anyone who have upper hand on this, hope you could help. I'm a newbie and i need people whom can explain things in laymen term. I'm done with google but i hardly get any idea how to solve it.
p/s: Happy Valentine, hunny.
hoho. sound driver tuh maybe aku tak pat nak tlg. but, try to update guna apt-get / synaptics.
cara: bukak command line, sudo apt-get update
carik kat dlm menu. Ada GUI.
utk internet, run sudo ppoeconfig > ikot la wizard.
sudo tuh, maknanye superuser do. so, ko run program as root lah. tuh je.
btw.. kalau ko run kubuntu in vmware, plz aware that ur host connection (Windows nye connection) kene disconnect dulu. kalo tak nnt, conflict. ada cara kot nak btolkan but malas plak nak google.
hoho. internet dah dapat. currently writing this comment in kubuntu. cuma mp3 & video dalam windows partition yang dah mount tu takleh main. wah...seronoknya dah dapat tenet. huhu.
hoho nais.
mp3 and video; its either the file cannot be accessed or the codec thingy.
utk file boleh access, windows partition tuh kene FAT. NTFS - even though supported for higher version of Linux, still its proprietary for windows.
kalau codec, try play with VLC. that should work. :D
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