Friday, August 15, 2008


this piece was lost

i will keep filling

this empty hole with emptiness

shallow feeling of loneliness

afraid not to dream

but i'm tired of nightmare

which i couldn't shake off

i'm my intoxication

that keep me high

in this narrow tunnel

the light won't shine again

let me be here

don't you bother

cause i will never

be your matter

this piece will always lost

i forge the smile

i fake the tears

i clone the heart

would you please be happy now?

04 August 2008 - 20.31

Originally posted here.


Dils said...


I can never write poetry. I will go like, gah! gah! this is so cringey.

Dah lama tak login kapasitor. Active member ?

Anonymous said...

yea.. i suck too at poetry. (as long as ppl dont use it in everyday speech, i have issue in understanding them. LOL)
but lovess, big LOVE for them!

and yea, uve done a good job.
*signing as a new fan*
keep it up!


dueng said...

dils: hahaha. you have the talent la, just need to polish it a bit. your writing is almost poetic! thanks for the compliment. a ah, am an active member. :)

raje: hehehehe. wonder if anybody not into poetry. hehehe. thanks for liking it.

kakkumei said...

me likey.
can i steal?